Join the British Council today to get access to the best content from the United Kingdom as well as our extensive digital library. To top it all, connect with like-minded people through our unique programmes & events to share ideas, spark discussions, and build communities in a safe, stress-free environment. Enjoy the space for the preparation of competitive exams with free Wi-Fi facility.
Physical library
Access books on English literature and language, contemporary UK, international newspapers and magazines, great collection of fiction and management books. Issue 6 books at a time and get invitations to all our events s well as information on our workshops for personal development.
Digital library
Enjoy the wide range of our online collection, from newspapers and magazines like New Scientist, The Economist, Vogue and Harper's Bazaar, to bestselling graphic novels, academic journals, research publications, and novels & books by award-winning authors, movies, and documentaries.
Physical Library Membership for one individual | Borrow any 6 documents from our general book collection, periodicals, and get free digital access as well. | INR 2200 per year | INR 1800 per year |
Digital Library Membership for one individual |
Access to our exclusive collection of e-resources only. |
INR 1800 per year | INR 1400 per year |
Group discounts:
If 3 or more students enrol for membership together, all of them will get one month extra in their membership period. This offer is applicable on top of the discounted fee and must be availed in person at your nearest British Council centre only. Please carry your college ID card.
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