Effective teacher professional development is instrumental in enabling positive classroom learning environments and in supporting students in achieving learning outcomes. While expert-led, needs-based training and development inputs are crucial, in the long term, a combination of such inputs along with teachers’ self-directed engagement in their professional development is more likely to sustainable. The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP) notes teachers will be expected to engage in professional development opportunities “driven by their own interests” (p.22, NEP).
A community of practice (CoP) approach where teachers collaborate with each other regularly to develop their teaching practices, share challenges and successes could potentially support teachers in an ongoing manner and make them reflective and independent professionals. To teach effectively, teachers need to address classroom challenges by linking their practice, experience and knowledge. A CoP approach to teacher professional development could help in facilitating such interactions between teachers.
Examining two projects in Maharashtra and New Delhi, this research investigates CoP as a potentially effective professional development model for teachers, recognising and establishing tools, processes and behaviours that make CoPs effective and sustainable.