Saturday, 29 April 2023 -
10:00am to 12:00pm

Keeping with the theme of World Book Day this month and to celebrate the birth anniversary of William Shakespeare,  join us for a workshop to admire the life and works of this famous English writer, poet and playwright. This workshop for children will help to develop their language ability through literary activities.

What will you learn and discover?

  • A brief biography of William Shakespeare’s life
  • List, discuss and appreciate his great work
  • Determine the meanings of words and phrases
  • Connect Shakespeare’s ideas to present life.

Training Methodology:

The workshop will be activity oriented. It will consist of creative work, language activities: speaking and writing activities, Children will be asked to work individually and in groups.

Who Should Attend?

Children between 9 to 12 years

Regsitration fee

INR 500 per child for members. Click here to register.

INR 800 per child for non-members. Click here to register.

For any queries, please send an email to or call on 9830323004

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