A trainer conducting a training for professionals
Sunday, 9 February 2020 -
1:00pm to 4:30pm

Understanding 21st Century Skills for Teachers: Continuing Professional Development Workshop for Teachers

About Continuing Professional Development

CPD is a planned, continuous and lifelong process whereby teachers try to develop their personal and professional qualities, and to improve their knowledge, skills and practice, leading to their empowerment and development of their organisation and their pupils. 

Understandstaing 21st Century Skills

The workshop provides a basic overview of six core 21st century skills. The skills are:

  1. Critical thinking and problem solving
  2. Collaboration and communication
  3. Creativity and imagination
  4. Citizenship
  5. Digital literacy
  6. Student leadership and personal development.

You will consider what these skills are and why they are an important part of the teaching and learning process in the classroom. You will begin to explore some practical teaching approaches and activities that will help you to introduce these skills into your teaching.

Registration Fee: INR 1,800 for members | INR 3,000 for non-members

How to register: Already a member? Click here to register | Non-members click here

For more information: E-mail to nayan.jaiswal@britishcouncil.org or call 079 2647 4802.