Develop speaking fluency and attentive listening in children using storytelling as the methodology
Saturday, 15 October 2016 -
10:30am to 2:00pm

Storytelling is a remarkable tool for helping students develop speaking and listening skills. When a child listens to a story the absence of visual cues helps them imagine the story and process the tale. When they learn to tell tales, they take their speaking skills to a whole new level - they learn to speak clearly, with intention and care for their audience. And when they work in small groups, they learn to support each other with attentive listening.

The session will cover:

  • develop a heightened interest in the English language
  • process new vocabulary in a fun way
  • strengthen essential grammar when retelling a story
  • visualise unknown objects, figures and describe them creatively
  • develop fluency and coherence in thought and speech
  • lay the foundation for advanced language use in the future
  • develop listening accuracy
  • get interested in stories from around the world
  • develop confidence while learning to retell a story

Age group

6 to 12 Years 

Registration Fee details:

For British Council Member  :      INR 300/- per participant

For Non – Member               :      INR 500/- per participant

How to register

Prior registration is required to attend this workshop. For registration please contact Namrata Sandhu at 0172-5203016 or email at

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