As in the case of the Action Plan the ISA Portfolio is assessed by a panel of assessors who are drawn from British Council staff, British Council School Ambassadors and Heads and/or ISA Coordinators of schools that have previously received the award and show a good understanding of the criteria. Following the assessment in the country, samples of Portfolio may be sent for assessment to a global assessment panel for moderation and to ensure that the standard of the award is maintained globally.
The assessment panel have an option of three decisions:
- Approved (all criteria met) - You will be sent the ISA kite mark and will be invited to the British Council School Awards Ceremony to receive the award.
- Conditionally approved (criteria partially met) – You may need to complete the sections that are incomplete or provide additional documentation to support specific sections in a given time frame.
- Re-submission (criteria not met) – You will need to create a new action plan and work towards the ISA in the next assessment cycle.
The decision of the Assessment Panel will be final and binding and no appeal in this regard will be entertained by the British Council.