ISA accredited schools often mention how they use the ISA kite mark as a symbol of their achievement and as a matter of pride. While the schools have the privilege of using the kite mark for three years of the accreditation period, there are specific guidelines which they should also follow:
- The ISA kite mark must only be used by a school that has been awarded the British Council International School Award for the stated period.
- The ISA kite mark can be used (as a small image) on school website, letterhead, prospectus, newsletter and other school publications and stationery during the period of accreditation.
- The ISA kite mark should appear at the footer of the letter and not at the top – when the kite mark is used on a schools’ letterhead.
- The ISA logo needs to be a maximum height of 15mm (when appearing alongside other logos.
- The ISA kite mark should be smaller than the school name/logo and cannot be displayed before the school name/logo.
- The kite mark must not be used on materials, or in conjunction with any projects, that might damage the reputation of the British Council.
- The kite mark can be resized but must not be modified in any other way. Please do not remove any part of the kite mark or add anything to it and do not change the accreditation period, colour, layout or font. The kite mark cannot be distorted and elements of the kite mark cannot be put together differently.
*IMPORTANT: If you have any questions or if you are unsure about how you can use this logo, please get in touch with your local British Council office. Any school found violating any of the above guidelines will be liable for a punitive action which may include the loss of the recognition.