We are now spending most of our time indoors, so it's the perfect opportunity to start doing all the things you wanted to do but never had the time. Whether you have ten minutes or an hour to practise each day, our learning materials will help you improve your language skills.
Start by taking our free English grammar and vocabulary test to help you find out what level you are currently on. Based on your results, the platform will offer you practice materials to help you improve.
Once you know your level, you are ready to start working on your listening, reading and writing skills. Select your level and then choose from different types of texts and audio recordings, interactive exercises and worksheets.
Many students around the world can't go to school at the moment. Using our LearnEnglish Teens website can help you keep learning and practising your English at home. LearnEnglish Teens has lots of videos, audio and reading materials to help you improve your English language skills and support your learning. To get started, we suggest that you spend between 20 and 30 minutes a day using LearnEnglish Teens. If you do this, you'll start to make real progress.
If you're looking for a chance to practice your English with other people, why not join one of our online courses (or MOOCs). Not sure how they work? We've prepared a short explanation for you to get you started.
Right now, you can join our Exploring English: Language and Culture course and learn more about UK music and literature.
If you'd like to learn more about Shakespeares' works and new words he created, you can join our Exploring English: Shakespeare course that starts on 7 April.