British Council Mumbai

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Library and Information Services
You can enjoy our vast digital collection of books, films, academic resources, newspapers, magazines, and more from the comfort of your home through our online library. Register online and find out more about online membership here.
English language courses
Our world-class teaching methodology and internationally recognised and experienced teachers make teaching and learning an experience to cherish.
We also have an exciting and innovative online English course for adult learners across India. Learn English with a British Council teacher and classmates with our interactive online course, myEnglish. With live online classes and interactive tasks, improve your fluency, accuracy and confidence in English. Click here to enrol.
Also, read about our learning resources for teachers.
Study in the UK
Worldwide, UK is the most sought-after destination by students to pursue education and it is no surprise that four of the top six universities in the world are in the UK. Since the degrees and qualifications are internationally recognised, you automatically improve your career prospects and surge ahead in the direction of reaching your career goals.
At British Council, we help you plan your journey:
- attend Education UK exhibitions and information sessions and interact with representatives of Universities and get sound advice
- attend events and seminars and get your queries answered
- interact with Education UK representatives on Facebook and YouTube
You can also get personalised information if you subscribe to Education UK newsletter with a simple click on 'register' at the top of the Education UK website.