Start your overseas journey with IELTS Coach.

Start your overseas journey here with IELTS Coach. Get guaranteed band score* of 6.5+

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is the world’s most popular English language proficiency test, for work and study abroad. More than 11,000 organisations globally trust IELTS, so when you take the test you can be confident that it is recognised by educational institutions, employers, governments and professional bodies around the world. 

IELTS Coach is a preparatory course delivered face to face in class and designed to maximise your chances of success on test day by equipping you with the strategies you need to succeed. Our extensive experience of teaching IELTS makes us ideally placed to help you get the result you deserve. 

 *terms and conditions apply

Course Features

We offer two options to our students for IELTS preparation

IELTS Coach Flexible, designed for learners seeking a customizable study programme that fits around their busy schedules.

IELTS Coach Modular/Fixed, a pre-scheduled programme where students follow a set sequence of lessons but retain the flexibility to adjust bookings as needed.

Here are the features of both options:

Feature Flexible Fixed
Prepare for the exam in as few as 4-6 weeks  Yes Yes
Choose your pace of study Yes No
Create a custom study programme Yes No
Follow a pre-made study programme No Yes
Study with the same teacher throughout the course No Yes
Change your class days/times if you are busy Yes Yes
Online post-lesson practice activities Yes Yes
Writing assessment Yes Yes
4 practice tests Yes Yes

Course Fee

Register now and save up to INR 1,850/- Course prices increasing from 1st April 2025.

Location: Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata

*Terms and conditions applicable

Package  No. of credits Price (INR)
36 hours  24 28,688/-
54 hours  36 36,625/-
72 hours  48 41,500/-

*Flexilble start dates available, enroll at any point and start studying. Monthly installment payment option available


How to register

Step 1: Book a free consultation. Click here 

Step 2: Complete level check. 

  • The online level check is 30 multiple-choice questions, and you will have 30 minutes to finish it. 
  • If you select face-to-face consultation, you can take the level check at one of our Teaching Centres.
  • If you select a phone consultation, you can do the level check online.​ We will contact you by phone or email with your consultation details. 

Step 3: Attend your consultation

  • During the 30 minutes consultation, one of our expert counsellors will review the results of your level check and advise the right course for you.

Step 4: Register for the course.

  • After consultation, your payment link will be emailed to you within 24-hours or you can pay direclty at one of our Teaching Centres.

Learn with the world’s English experts

IELTS Coach is delivered face-to-face by our teaching experts who know the test inside out and can guide you extensively. Your teacher will coach you in applying strategies and techniques which are sure to maximise your IELTS score. 

Learning outcomes

IELTS Coach helps you to pace your IELTS preparation and be in control of your learning. Designed for students who may not have much time but still need effective preparation or for those who want to prepare extensively. 

What you will get:

  • IELTS consultation session with an IELTS expert at the beginning of your IELTS journey to better understand where you are and how to get to where you need to be
  • develop an awareness of the most useful techniques for answering questions in the IELTS test and learn how to maximise your band score
  • practise listening, speaking, reading, and writing in class
  • get free access to our well-resourced Information Centre and a wide range of up-to-date self-study materials to help you prepare for the test.
  • ascertain level of readiness for the IELTS exam through authentic Cambridge practice tests
  • gain increased confidence before taking the general and academic module of the IELTS test
  • never miss a class with flexible booking options, IELTS Coach is convenient so you can choose how and when to learn, using our app or website to manage your course schedule, where you can book or cancel lessons, track your progress, view your assessments and more.
  • After successfully completing all the course credits, British Council will provide you with a certification of completion. 


For more details on each skills for IELTS

  • Skills for IELTS Listening – you will be equipped with listening strategies such as predicting information, identifying synonyms and antonyms and dealing with distracting information, in order to correctly answer all IELTS Listening question types.
  • Skills for IELTS Reading – you will learn how to apply reading skills such as skimming and scanning, and techniques such as identifying synonyms and antonyms to tackle all IELTS Reading question types.
  • Skills for IELTS Writing Academic – you will encounter a comprehensive set of activities to maximise your score on IELTS Writing Task 1 and 2. You will learn how to identify key features and fully respond to the task prompt in order to meet expectations for Task Achievement, as well as improve your grammar and vocabulary.
  • Skills for IELTS Writing General Training — you will complete a comprehensive set of activities designed to address the specific requirements of the IELTS General Training test. For Task 1, you will improve your ability to write personal letters using an appropriate tone, and a range of fully connected sentences. For Task 2, you will develop your ability to write an appropriate essay in response to a question. You will learn to fully respond to the question in order to achieve your best possible result.
  • Skills for IELTS Speaking – you will take part in speaking tasks and activities designed to maximise your score across all four assessment criteria: Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, and Pronunciation.

For more information, call us at 011 69032222, Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 

You can alternately visit us in person from Monday to Sunday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. at our Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata centres.