CWIT offers a few grants to Indian students in the final stages of their doctorates at UK universities.

Subjects covered are the arts, heritage conservation and the humanities (especially but not exclusively history and literature). Amounts are modest - usually £500-£600 - and are intended to help fill funding gaps.

Applications for Grants towards final year of Doctoral studies session 2020-21 are now closed.

How to apply

Apply direct to CWIT in London by e-mail, providing the following information:

  • a brief CV and Statement of Purpose i.e why you want the grant
  • the names and e-mail addresses of two referees who know your work
  • an assurance that you expect to return to India to pursue a career there
  • details of any other grants for which you are applying

All applications has to be sent on this email address:


Applicants should be:

  • studying in fields covered by CWIT
  • be Indian citizens domiciled in India and who are returning to India on completion of their studies
  • Between 25-38 years of age
  • Not in receipt of a CWIT grant in previous 5 years